Tag Archives: buy rugs online

How to choose the perfect size for a carpet for your house?

Choosing the perfect rug or carpet for your home can sometimes be overwhelming, as you need to consider various factors before purchasing the same. Selecting the right size for your carpet can be difficult than you can imagine. It is even more tiresome if you do not have any idea of what you are doing in the first place. The manager of one of the leading home furnishing stores says that very often people come without any idea of the size of the rooms and it makes the purchasing process extremely difficult.

Since carpets play a very important role in deciding the overall quality of the decor furnishing of your home, it becomes essential that you do some sort of homework before heading towards purchasing or searching for carpets online in India.

The ways you can choose the perfect shape of carpets for your room


One of the biggest problems I have seen is that people tend not to look at the shape of the room while purchasing rugs for their room. Always make sure that you buy a square carpet if you have a square room. Having mismatched shapes can make the carpet look cut out incomplete. It can spoil the fun of having the carpet on your floor at all.

One exception for this idea is that for rooms that are more playful than others like entries or kids rooms; for these rooms, you can go for round carpets. But make sure that it fits perfectly with the room.


Before buying carpets for your home, think about how you want to use it. Since you are going to have a lot of furniture around the room, you may not want to keep furniture legs on the carpets or you want to keep them on it. Many people have this doubt whether or not to have the legs off the carpets. It would be intelligent to go consistent whatever option you think is viable to you, unless you have a large carpet that can fit all your furniture on it. Consider these factors before choosing the size of the carpet you are going to buy.

Buy Carpet Online from Jodhaa Home Decor Store

About Jodhaa
At the Jodhaa store we are always happy to help with simple tips and tricks to get your rooms looking better and well done up. It’s the small additions or deductions that usually make the big difference. A visit to the Jodhaa Home Decor Store Online and Buy Variety of Home Decor Products like Bed Cover Set, Bed Sheets, Quilts, Razai, Carpet, Table Mats and Runners. To Make Your Home Look Better Than Others.

Each season Jodhaa creates a new collection with colors, designs, and quality in sync with the world markets but showcasing traditional skills of the artisans from various states in India.

The main Home Furnishing Products that we offer for Online Shopping / At Jodhaa Stores are bedspread sets, bedcovers, quilts, razais, dohars with co-ordinated pillow and/or cushion covers , carpets,  table runners, cushions and bolsters with co-ordinated table mats and wall hangings.. All products are hand crafted and individually embroidered or printed and are usually in cottons, brocades, silk and velvets.